Wednesday, July 30, 2008


To everyone playing on Lakeshore this year, JUMP UP FOR ME AND GET ON BADDD!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Joy of Carnival....

So here I am at my desk at work when really I should be in Toronto with my friends preparing for what I anticipated to be the best Toronto Carnival ever!!!! Unfortunately or actually fortunately I had to hand over my headpiece in exchange for a new job I have taken on. But there is always a brighter side and to me that is Trinidad Carnival!!!

The excitement of Carnival is already in my blood and I am so excited to be here during band launchings. I yet to attend a band launching and would LOVE to go to Tribes tomorrow, since I am unable to attend personally I will take part through Saucy’s Blogg :). I definitely will be attending the launch of Ronnie and Caro so will report on that. Until then I look forward to waking up Sunday morning to see Tribes costumes!!! To my friends at home – jump up for me on the 2nd of August and hopefully you will join me on the road here in Trinidad for Carnival 2K9!!