Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Boots

Let me start off by saying that before the discovery of Saucy's blogg and the creation of my own I was going to wear my costume for 2 days and most likely would of just painted an old pair of sneakers gold but you guys have done it to me and I must say thank you :) Thanks to all you guys I am on top of my game - what other foreigner knows about Monday wear and that boots are the shit :)

With that said let me present you with my Carnival boots!!!!!!

Comments please......................

I think I can work the heel now that I see the boots that Saucy and SocaDiva getting have heels too!!

Really it only one day since I have Monday wear and the feel comfortable.

Now I ready :)

"....get on bad and misbehaving"


gtwarrior said...

The boots is HOT!!!...did you break them in?

Icahwait* said...

10/10 for the boots! I hope they comfortable.

Bagogyul said...

Break them in...get some gel insoles and you will be fine.

BTW...Great Choice the boots are hot!

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

buublenut! First off the boots will look PERFECT with that costume, well done. But chile make sure and break them in!!!!!!

I agree with bagogyul, get the gel insoles too.

Oh,and just incase if you have a man purse you can stash a pair of comfy sneakers in his back pack in case you need to rest the feet.

buublenut said...

Thanks guy....just got them this morning. I am guilty of trying them on at my desk a few times heehee.

I am going to break them in and get gell insoles - glad you all like :)

buublenut said...

I have a couple man purses in Trinidad Saucy :)

As well my girls wear the same shoe size so we will switch if my feet start to hurt. **In case you guys are reading this here is the rule - you want to wear the shoes to pose up for a pic, minimun of a 2 hour wear (this way me feet get a rest) LOL

buublenut said...

They are perfect Saucy - it was meant to be!!!

Oh did I mention guys they were on sale for $31 CDN plus tax - thats like $160TT - what a deal!!! (I have no shame when I am cheap - I proud when I get good deals)

Ok back to work - stay focused, Carnival coming soon :)


Karabana said...

Yikes, those heels are high, you know I couldn't wear 'em, walk 4 several hrs in them 1st bc that's the only test 2 see if they won't kill ya. & even still, be sure to have a pair of comfy sneaks in your bag gyrl!

buublenut said...

HaHa Kara - I deciding where in this city I going to wear those but I do agree that I need to test them out.

I should try them in the ring and if they work they pass the test.

I'm going to wear them under jeans and wear them out or try them at work.

caisoqueen said...

NICE BOOTS....but i fraid fuh yuh foot though! But, yeah break dem in and ting....dey HOT!

U gettin me excited. I ain order mine yet.

Anonymous said...

They looking nice, and don't worry, about the pain, walk with sneakers, and let the driver of the Air conditioned bus hold them for you when yuh feet get tired. I'm sure if you ask him nicely he will hold them

Anonymous said...

NO WAY!!!!!!

I’m not letting you wear those, they have heels!!!!

You are not going to be able to wear those for an hour let alone all day, and there is no way I’m switching with you.

Everyone is going to be wearing runners, and so will I.


buublenut said...

Thanks Caisoqueen - I a little worried about my feet now too.

Trini in TO no offense but what do you know LOL sorry had too - man giving me advice about heels :) but that’s a good idea, I'll walk with a pair of gold spray painted sneakers and then I will want to keep the boots on no matter how much they hurt :) I'll friend up the driver of the truck - no problem there.

So where’s Gee - he missing lately.

I think I can do it - I wore them around the house last night - they just need to be worked in - I will keep you all posted

And Anon I know who you are LOL - you will switch, you'll feel sorry for me :)

Bagogyul said...

I must be a real CARNIVAL HO, cause those boots are hot and they are not high. + they are going to look REALLLLL HOTTT with your costume gyul!

buublenut said...

I'm going to do it - I have to, I will feel so shame when you all bump me on the road and notice they ain't on my feet LOL

Wish I had a tradmill at home, I swear I would run in them to get used to them but I would not be caught dead at the gym doing such madness :)

Karabana said...

Ok, I feel bad for ya now, I'm size 8 shoe, I'll switch w ya Buubs.... much later in the day when I'm feelin no pain anyway...

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

LOL, girl do like the beauty queens who JUMP UP In heels on stage then switch to comfy sneakers later on.

I agree about asking the bus driver to stash your sneakers for you.

buublenut said...

I am thinking of going to a shoe maker to see if he can remove the heel - hell I will even get creative and tear apart the shoe and stich it to the outside of a sneaker LOL I will keep you all posted on my plans - I will work something out, I have a month and I WANT TO AND MUST ROCK THESE COME CARNIVAL!!!

Otherwise yep I walking with 2 pair of shoes :)

Thanks everyone :)

caisoqueen said...

Buubles...wha goin on girl...ah see yuh write on saucy blog how yuh takin back de boots? O O...sorry to hear dat...what happened?

buublenut said...

Caiso girl they are going to bunn my feet!!! I want to wear them so so so badly but what if I can't take it come Carnvial Tueday :(

What do you think - help :)

I am so confused....

Karabana said...

Did they take back the boots????

buublenut said...

Yes I did!!! Just got back - got new ones taking a pic and about to blogg :)