Thursday, September 21, 2006

We Reach the Stage, We Warming Up, Put Your Hand Dem In De Air.....

Well it looks like it just might be cow mas for me.....just waiting on the approval from 1 more masquerader....

For Trinidad Carnival 2007 it looks like I will be lookning so....that's ok, I'll be liking myself

Once confirmed, the fun begins - ACCESSORIZING!!!!!!!!!!!

QUESTION: Does anyone know if theses chaps are detachable - I need to skin up more then that :)


Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

Yup dem chaps detachable! and by the way Jean and Dinah not sold out, you can only register through Peter Elias or Tribe locally, there is no online registration for that section.

buublenut said...

thanks so much saucy....that is what I wanted to hear re the chaps :) Any idea when online registration opening up

Anonymous said...

Online registration is now open. Me my wife and cousin in TnT are officially registered with cow mas.

We not sure we will wear those funny looking horns for too long, I have to look for a cowboy hat for myself.

I still have to go and look for a flight.

talk to you later

buublenut said...

Thanks for letting me know Trini-in-Toronto. I had gone on eariler to register and it wasn't up yet. Me and my friends are getting together tognight to register :)

Don't stick on your flight!!!

With it being Halloween time you should have no problem finding a cowboy hat. Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I'd probably register now just to make sure you get your spot. My cousin was talking to me on his cell from casscadia and there was quite a few people down there. (I was online and he was there is person (we really wanted to make sure we got in)

I don't know why the time of theposts on your blog seem to be on a different time zone.

good luck

Hottie Hottie said...

The chaps detachable?! Well look how I liek dis costume now! I LOVE THE BRA

buublenut said...

well I fixed the time - lets see if it works :)

I hope they don't sell out today _ I am going to register tonight at like 8, I cross my fingers.

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

buublenut you sure registration will be open online at 8? I am thinking it will run the same time as in-house, 1 -6! Double check that eh!

Anonymous said...

Good to "meet" another cowgyrl!!!
When I 1st went to their site, I liked that costume, then later hubby's coz tells us it's his & his all his riend's 1st choice, so we're all set now.....
can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

buublenut said...

howdy karabana....we are registerd but I am unable to put payment through for some reason. I will have to look into this tommorow I guess when registration opens again

Good luck with your planning, and keep in touch

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it'll work out, this section is thankfully not sold out. :) My payment went through, but at cascadia, they say they didn't get it yet, but that's not a shock.
Interesting to see which sections sold out, if we couldn't get Cow mas, it would have been Fireman, or I considered doing Dragon, & I liked Jamette, but w the corset, I even like Imp, the bra is different & unique.
I was really going to be fine with most of them, just not white or yellow! What I like about ours is it's not the usual, it's more of a costume than a bikini w sequins, y'know?, there'll never be one like this again. Everything about it is distinctive.

buublenut said...

I agree - I figured that it was the best value for our money. My friends and I have made a vow that we will all go to a Halloween party in 2007 and wear the costume again :)

buublenut said...

CONFIRMED - payment sent :)

Anonymous said...

there ya go, it can be a Halloween costume! well, the hat & chaps, bc Oct is pruuuty cold for the top & bottom (Trini-in-To would sure like it tho LOL!) I guess the bashing of the costume is due to the fact that it's not the typical blue beaded bikini, but I know it's the ideal carnival costume combo - a great mas theme + sexy!
Giddyup Gyrls!

buublenut said...

I agree - it is sexy, at first I didn't like it but if you take away the chaps it is a typical costume - a nice one at that.

Throw on a trench coat and hit the party in October, it would work :)

I like it because its different

Anyone have any idea as to the #'s of people in the band and sections - saucy I am sure you have the answer :)

buublenut said...

Karabana - you wearing your costumes both days in our section girl????

Anonymous said...

I didn't really think of it until the talk over at saucys about it... I wear my Caribana costume for Hamilton carnival, too (washed, of course)...

buublenut said...

I guess I will see how the flow is once I am there - I will probably wear it on both days considering I paid close to $500 for it LOL. I purchased 2 bottoms so I will have a clean one for each day in case I reach home to drunk to scrub my clothes lol

We will discuss when it gets closer I guess ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously, it's big bucks, ya wanna get all you can outta it.
I just may wear it both days...

Karabana said...

Cowgyrls, you have your shoes yet?
I saw a pair yesterday I really like (beige & brown) at Ali Babas, made by NYC, can't find them online though...

buublenut said...

seen a couple of shoes so far - payless has some that look like they might do the job - but we are thinking of buying white runners and spray paiting them up.

Are the ones at Ali Babas comfirtable for 2 days on the road :)

Karabana said...

Yeah, I think so. Hubby keeps saying buy athletic shoes, not the puma style which can work for Caribana, but not 2 days of Carnival. Gotta love Payless, I got 3 pairs of Caribana shoes there.

Karabana said...

I meant to ask, does anyone know if the chaps are made of that stiff plastic material some leg pieces are made of? Saucyd??

buublenut said...

Hope its amterial :)

Karabana said...

me too!
I tried on these sneakers yesterday at Payless - Champion® “Strada”

- soooo comfortable!
I prefered a brown pair like the "Ali" Mary Jane Sports online (their site doesn't have them) that are really cute, but the no sock situation would be a problem, doubt they'd be comfortable w those "footsies" things for 2 long days.
I still like best the NYC ones I saw, they match much more.

buublenut said...

liking the shoes - I am going to go with one close to that - probably a bit lighter in colour :)

You reaching the Dr Jay Don't Cry Ah Leaving fete when time come??

Karabana said...

Oh my freakin God, I bought them, I said after talking about shoes on Saucyd's, buy the damn shoes B4 they sell out... tell me they won't look puuurfect??!!!!!!!!
Got them at "Extreme Hip Hop" in Albion Mall. Click Shoe, Dixie Outlet Mall, has them too.

buublenut said...

WHA!!! I love them girl!! they will look good

I seen a pair of cowgirl boots in broonze today that will look so good witht he costume but they have small heals - I am torn :( not sure how they will make out on the road

Karabana said...

Where?? I was thinking at 1st tan cowgyrl boots would look sweet too, but yeah, heels, I know I couldn't do... Caribana maybe, but 2 full days of a gazillion more kilometres in that blasted sun, uh uh.

buublenut said...

I agree - I decided against it - but they would look SOO GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink. 7x9b2g4h0k7e4g6c 2k8n7h6j0c7f1f7f 5z0p3q6t9g0e7s6o 5w7m0g9z0v9x4e1d 3u4z1g1a6v8v9f2w 1a0g5d9a7n6o6y9a 4u4l2t4y5o1m5y4c 6i7m7w2e5g4q1s7k 2b2p6z2j4r7f3s8v 4v1d9s9b2z0j5m4l 6a5h4z0i7l3x3b3g